Homemade Living: Keeping Chickens
No longer found solely on farms, chickens have made there way into neighborhood backyards everywhere! For those just getting into the practice this is the perfect beginners guide to raising chickens. Filled everything you need to know including information on choosing a breed, acquiring the chicks, housing, feeding, and caring for them.
Not only that but this lovely addition to the Homemade Living series by author Ashley English also provides the lowdown on eggs, including recipes, and profiles of people who have taken on the chicken-rearing challenge. Includes two projects with expanded woodworking illustrations and photos: a simple nesting box and a wildly creative mobile chicken tractor.
Not only that but this lovely addition to the Homemade Living series by author Ashley English also provides the lowdown on eggs, including recipes, and profiles of people who have taken on the chicken-rearing challenge. Includes two projects with expanded woodworking illustrations and photos: a simple nesting box and a wildly creative mobile chicken tractor.